Your donations allow us to continually improve the fabric of our community.
From big projects like building a new home, to making repairs, to planting trees and flowers, your help makes a difference.


Current Projects

Legacies or Trusts

Newton Dee Dairy and Milking Parlour

Pictured above is a rendering of what our new Dairy Building will look like. The Newton Dee Milking Parlour is getting a much-needed upgrade. This will make milking the cows much safer, allowing us to involve more of our villagers in the milking of our cows. We will also be building a new dairy building to allow us to better process the milk. This will make it easier and safer for our community to pick up and drop off milk churns, and give us more space to expand what we make with our milk.

Work has already started. Our foundations are laid. And we are really excited for this new development to be completed by the end of this summer.

Donations to Newton Dee help to ensure that we can continue to invest in our community. Making much needed improvements to our homes and workshops. Thank you for any donations that you can make.

Some people may wish to enquire about how to set up a legacy, or add Newton Dee to their will. 
We consider this a great honour, please get in touch by emailing, or feel free to call us at 01224 868 701.